The herb represents a great remedy and its usage is situated somewhere between food and medicine, but it can also cause serious allergic reactions. The small yellow dots that cover the fruit (the herbs seeds) are the ones that give the herb its therapeutical power.
-liver disorders such as hepatitis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis
-Diabetes, goutiness, high cholesterol levels and arteriosclerosis
- Rheumatism
-skin diseases such as acne, dermatosis and psoriasis, catalyzing the healing processes.
- increase the resistance to high temperatures. It has a cooling effect and it stimulates the nervous system, acting against fatigue and asthenia that appear during hot periods.
-represents an elixir that prevents wrinkles and refreshes complexions. Mashed strawberries used for face treatments have an excellent effect even in the cases of people who have faded complexions.
- good remedy against chilblains.
-have a laxative effect healing constipation
Special attention must be directed at those who suffer form allergies, because in those cases it is best to consume small quantities of wild strawberries. The consumed quantity can be increased gradually only if there are no digestive, dermatological or respiratory problems.