Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sabah Snake Grass as Herbal Medicine

 photo SabahSnakeGrassinthegarden_zps01080dfa.jpg

Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus Nutans Lindau) is natural common plant and has been widely used in Malaysia and other Asia countries as traditional cure. In malay language it also known as " BELALAI GAJAH or ELEPHANT TRUNK leave.

Herbal cancer treatment : Traditional uses of SSG

Sabah Snake Grass has traditionally been used for the following health problems:

Sore throat
Uric acid
Uterine fibroid
Kidney problems
Prostate inflammation
Skin problems like eczema, shingles, and psoriasis

Herbal cancer treatment : SSG cures cancer

This is the piece of information that might save lives. Who knows. So no harm sharing here. I shall give the links to the relevant sites at the end of this article.

It was reported in another site that Sabah Snake Grass has cured so many types of cancer:

Lung cancer
Uterus cancer
Prostate cancer
Breast cancer
Dialysis patients

Others with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high uric acid and diabetes have also benefitted from Sabah Snake Grass.

Two varieties of this plant

Apparently there are two varieties of this plant. The effective one is the Sabah Snake Grass (SSG). The other variety is the Indian Snake Grass (ISG). The leaves of SSG taste sweet, whereas those of ISG taste very bitter. The leaves of SSG are longer than those of ISG.