An apple a day may help keep the doctor away, but it’s just as likely to encourage friends and colleagues to get a little closer as they are a powerful ally in the fight against bad breath. This due in part to to their natural detergent properties. Furthermore, when by biting into an apple, you’re pushing plaque away from your teeth as well as any food matter that could cause bacteria in the recesses of your mouth.
Citrus Fruits
“Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and pineapples are absorbed by the body and eliminate smells that are on our skin,” says Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN of Leah Kaufman Nutrition. “The acids in these fruits cause water to flush throughout our body eliminating the smell and causing us to smell pleasant and fruity.” David Colbert, MD, a dermatologist and internist in New York City adds that “The acids in citrus fruits help flush water through your body. And because citrus also contains fiber, they move through your system slowly and flush out toxins that contribute to body odors.
Limes and Lemons
Packed with a good amount of vitamin C and electrolytes, lemons are also good for improving body odor according to Jim White. He explains that these zesty citrus fruits have a “high antioxidant capacity and help detox the body as they are strong, acidic, and have disinfectant abilities.” Some people go as far as using this bacteria-killing juice topically and swipe their pits with a lemon directly.
Work a little rosemary into your life, suggests Seth Santoro, a Los Angeles-based health and nutrition coach, food stylist and founder of The Life Chef. He says that, when it comes to nixing body odors, the herb can be really helpful. “Not only is this is a wonderful spice and a great treatment for skin, but it also helps annihilate body odor,” he says.
Fresh Herbs
“Fresh herbs like parsley, basil, and mint can help mask bad breath with the strong oils that they contain,” says Kaufman. She explains that the strong oils contained within them help to overpower nose-offending scents. “Try incorporating fresh herbs into your dinner or have a fruit salad with basil or mint for dessert to help combat the smells you may get from dinner,” she says. Sally Cram, DDS, a Washington, DC-based periodontist and spokesperson for the American Dental Association backs Kaufman up. “These herbs can act as a mouthwash to temporarily mask odors,” she says. It’s well worth remembering that chronic bad breath may be a sign of periodontal disease.
Upset stomachs can lead to halitosis. While ginger great for settling the stomach, it also has the powerful effect of neutralizing bad breath. Pressed ginger combined with lemon juice and warm water creates a great rinse to keep the unpleasant odors at bay.
Fennel Seeds
A bad breath remedy in India is to chew on some fennel seeds. The act of doing so not only increases saliva that washes away bacteria from your mouth they also help neutralize offensive odors and aid digestion. But that’s not all: fennel oils have antibacterial properties as well, fighting germs that cause bad breath.
Green Tea
We’re already big fans of green tea because of the belly blasting catechins it contains but now we have even more reasons to love it: first off, green tea contains polyphenols. These are antioxidants that fight the growth of bacteria and also help reduce sulfur compounds that can improve breath. Green tea, like most teas, can stain teeth, however. Luckily, green tea extracts can be taken as a supplement, which have been proven to fight oral bacteria. While green tea is working on keeping your breath smelling fresh, brew up another, much larger batch and dunk your dogs in it. The tannic acids found in both green and black teas will help keep your feet dry, thus preventing the root of your foot odor problem: perspiration. As the tannins in tea are less drying than the acids in vinegar, you can try this remedy once a day.
Like many other fruits, strawberries are high in water content and therefore can prevent dry mouth. But that’s not all; their high vitamin C content helps to create an environment hostile to bacteria and germs in the mouth. It also speeds up the healing process in the mouth, and boosts your immune system, too.
Known as a great breath freshener, cardamom also permeates the body quickly, leaving behind a fresh aroma,” says Seth Santoro who adds that the spice is also good for your immune system
Bacteria cannot thrive in environments high in vitamin C and melons (along with berries and citrus fruits) can provide a good deal of it. Fruits also have a high water content, which hydrates the mouth and keeps bacteria at bay. Even more to smile about: Vitamin C also helps fight gingivitis, too.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Spinach, lettuce, and kale are great for your health and good for oral hygiene. They keep your internal pH levels balanced and alkaline levels low, which in turn help prevent dry mouth, another cause of bad breath. Green leafy vegetables also contain a high amount of chlorophyll that acts as a natural deodorizer.