More commonly known as kiwifruit, the Chinese Gooseberry—a nickname given to the native Chinese fruit by New Zealanders—is also one of nature's most powerful cold remedies. Research in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests snacking on nutrient-dense kiwifruit can help relieve cold symptoms, and even shorten illness. The study took 132 adults and placed half on a daily diet that included 4 gold kiwifruit, while the other half supplemented their diets with two bananas each day. The result? The kiwi eaters had sore throats resolve three days sooner—and head congestion resolved almost four days sooner—as compared to the banana group. Researchers attribute the results to micronutrients in gold kiwifruit that significantly enhanced the concentration of immunity-boosting erythrocytes in red blood cells.

Almonds and almond skins
A handful of almonds is both preventative and therapeutic for the common cold, but you have to eat them whole. A study in the journal Microbiology Letters found that polyphenols—disease-fighting compounds found in the skin of the almond—can increase the sensitivity of white blood cells known as helper T cells, which are involved in fighting off viruses. And, like a natural vaccine of sorts, the immunity boost lingered even after the almonds had been digested in the gut, researchers say. Interestingly, blanched almonds without skins had little effect on the immune system.

There's now science to back-up the smelly, cold-busting benefits of garlic. In one study published in The Cochrane Library, adults who received a placebo came down with nearly three times as many colds as those who selected a daily garlic supplement. Moreover, the placebo group suffered with colds three times longer, reporting more than three times more sick days than the garlic group. Researchers hypothesize garlic's cold-fighting power comes from the compound allicin, which blocks enzymes that play a role in bacterial and viral infections.
Another double-blind study found daily supplementation of aged garlic extract may enhance immune cell function. Participants who took 2.56 grams daily for 45 days experienced a reduced severity of cold symptoms by 20 percent and recovered 61 percent faster than the placebo group. You can find aged garlic extract at most health food or drugstores, and the good news is it's odorless.

Chili Peppers
One of the worst parts of a cold is the effect that it has on your sinuses. There's nothing worse than the feeling that you can't breathe through your nose. According to Dr. Kyle Bressler, MD, and an ENT, chili peppers contain capsaicin, an active component that can help to clear out your sinuses quickly by thinning the buildup of mucus. So getting your hands on the spiciest food possible can be the key to your cold symptom relief.

Coconut Water
It's an age-old saying that fluids help with congestion and other cold symptoms, but coconut water specifically is a great option for cold remedies and something you should try for relief. Not only is it great for hydration, as all fluids are, but Dr. Bressler says it contains natural electrolytes, which help to heal your body. It's such an easy thing to try, no cooking or preparing involved. Just pick it up from your local grocery store and give it a shot.

This food remedy doesn't even require you to consume ginger to start feeling relief. Of course, that is always the best option to get the benefit of clearing congestion that ginger provides. However, you can also just create a ginger compress by soaking a washcloth in ginger water before applying it to your face.

Kale is a superfood full of nutrients, so it's no surprise that with all its talents, it also contains quercetin, which is believed to have antiviral properties. So when mom always said eat your vegetables, she definitely wasn't wrong. Try cooking with kale, because it's one of the best cold remedies!

It's an age-old trick: have a glass of orange juice when you're sick. It's the vitamin C that helps to both lessen the symptoms of a cold as well as quicken the recovery process. According to Dr. Bressler, it's definitely not just a myth, oranges are the way to go as well as lemons and limes, which also contain vitamin C.

Not only are carrots great for your eyes, but Dr. Bressler emphasized that the vitamin A also strengthens immune function, which is essential to fighting off illness. Even though the best way to get all the nutrients from carrots is by eating them raw, try one of these unique carrot recipes to start feeling better as soon as possible.

Strawberries contain anthocyanins, which not only give this fruit its amazing red color, but they also contain properties that offer anti-inflammatory and antiviral benefits. If you feel a cold coming on, strawberries are definitely the way to go to start to fight it. We always knew there was another reason besides their unbelievable taste to love this fruit.

According to Dr. Bressler, blueberries are among the highest in antioxidants in fruit. One important purpose of antioxidants is they contain flavonoids, which work to reduce damage to cells and also boost the immune system, both of which are necessary when you're suffering from a cold. They're an easy snack to munch on between hot showers and lots of rest.