Traditionally: well developed plants in bloom were used in many villages for dying eggs, fibers and fabrics.
The wood spurge, carefully dosed by old women, experts in medicinal plants, has had many applications in medicine, both human and veterinary ones. The latex in the plant was used against infections, warts and freckles.
In the Bran area, the wood spurge was placed in the ears against tooth aches.
The floral stalks were boiled and the decoct helped wash away wounds and scabies.
The boiled plant was placed on the head, in bunches, in a cloth, against head aches.
Drink with warm water as an abstergent and, for stomach aches, take a small dose with wheat flower.
Boil it in sweet milk or water and administer against severe fever. It was also used for rheumatic pains or wounds on the ill persons' bodies. The wood spurge was boiled with water and the resulted broth was used to wash their bodies, while the spindle was used to foment them. It is no longer used as a medicinal plant, being abandoned because other plants with less powerful effects for the diseases they treat were discovered, plants that are not toxic.
Chemical composition:
- latex, gum, resin, fatty and ethereal oils, tannin, albumen, etc.
Properties of Wood spurge
Properties of Wood spurge it has effects against mycoses and is very useful in treating eczema. It can also be used for treating intestinal worms and as an external revulsive.
Toxicology! The plant is poisoning so it has to be consumed internally with a great deal of attention. It can lead to blindness and the seeds can actually kill a person.
It can be used for the following medical conditions: warts, ringworms, etc.
Usage: they used the latex, which was applied locally. It is obtained from the fresh plant.
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